Sunny Queen Cage-Free Extra-Large (6s)


Sunny Queen’s caged-free eggs come from 100% Australian-farmer owned company. Their fresh Cage Free eggs are laid by chooks that live inside large barns. This means they are comfortable and protected from other animals and harsh weather, while being able to flap their wings, socialise, and perch. Cosy nesting boxes are at the ready so they can lay their eggs in comfort and privacy whenever they like. And to ensure ongoing strict compliance to the Cage Free Standard, their Cage Free farms are audited regularly by independent auditors.

These eggs have a high percentage of vitamins and minerals in comparison to the energy they provide. Just one egg contains more than 10% of the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for over 11 essential vitamins and minerals.

6 XL eggs per tray.

Weight: 350g

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